Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Perk of Being Mrs Wickins’ Cat

There’s milk and strokes
and somewhere warm
to sleep and scratch and think,
but the perk of being
Mrs Wickins’ cat
is the spider in the sink

The spider’s looking scary
and kicking up a stink.
Fetch Mrs Wickens. She’ll soon catch
the spider in the sink

Yes, I’m great at catching spiders,
my claw is lightning fast
I eat the legs one at a time
and save the head for last

There’s milk and strokes
and somewhere warm
to sleep and scratch and think,
but the perk of being
Mrs Wickins’ cat
is the spider in the sink


Roger Stevens said...

I wrote this at a school on Friday. It probably needs a bit more work. Whaddya think?

Wastedpapiers said...

Good fun poem. Not much fun for the poor spider though!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

You are such a clever dick. I feel sorry for the spider though.