Monday, June 01, 2009

Shouting at the Ocean

There’s no point shouting at the ocean
When you’re feeling low
The tide will still come in
It doesn’t want to know

It’s no good shouting at the ocean
Just because it’s there
You can yell, throw stones or kick the sand
The ocean doesn’t care

There’s no use railing at the ocean
If you’re angry or upset
The sea won’t even notice
It’s too busy being wet

For the sea has no emotion
It doesn’t hear you shout
It only listens to the moon
It just comes in and out

So if you’re hurt, upset or angry
Write down all you want to say
Then post it in the ocean
And watch your troubles float away


Nicole Braganza said...

awww :)

Wastedpapiers said...

life can be a beach at times.

nice one.

Bernard Young said...

What a great poem. If only there was an anthology to put it in.

Pan Haiku Review said...

Dear Bernard,

There is an anthology now, and if you know anyone between the ages of 4 yrs to 18 yrs they can win a free copy if they write a haiku!

I'm the Guest Haiku Competition judge, all entries sent to:

Haiku Competition to win the anthology: weblink

Also if you check out: Shouting at the Ocean you can buy the book for yourself. ;-)

Shouting at the Ocean: Poems that make a splash!

Edited by Graham Denton, Andrea Shavick and Roger Stevens

Cover illustration by David Parkins

Illustrations by Cathy Benson, Liz Brownlee, Philip Waddell and Sue Hardy-Dawson

Price £4.99 ISBN 978-0-9555589-0-0

Dive into this wonderful collection of children’s poems compiled by top poets - Graham Denton, Andrea Shavick and Roger Stevens.

Discover who ate Grandma, who sold Mum and who swallowed a stopwatch.

Find out who threw the first doughnut, who caught the three-legged dog and how you can get much, much more pocket money.

all my best,

Alan, With Words